When I started my photography business from Florida, years ago, there weren’t as many blogs as there are now. And the good ones weren’t as plentiful, that’s for sure. When I stumbled across Every Last Detail I was hooked. When I found out Lauren Grove was behind it, I liked it even more. I didn’t know Lauren but I quickly learned how great she was, from how much she cares about her vendors to the content she creates and publishes to the advice she gives couples getting married.
Lauren has always mailed the best gifts 🙂 but this one was awesome – not just because it was full of gold confetti and glitter but because it’s a HUGE accomplishment: celebrating 5 successful years! Check out #CHEERSto5YEARSofELD to see more.
I have made some great connections from Lauren’s strong community of vendors, like Michelle from Michelle Elaine Weddings and Brent and Anna from Live View Studios. And I will always love this shoot I did with Roey Mizrahi and Karma Flowers: Floral Print Wedding Ideas, 5 ways. The Eclectic and Rustic settings were my favorites.
Lauren, I’m so proud of you! It’s not easy being a small business owner, and anyone who blogs regularly will tell you how much self discipline and TLC it takes. But here you are, 5 years strong! And I know you’ll be around for years to come.
I joke with Lauren that we went on the “most romantic honeymoon ever,” in September of 2013. Of course it wasn’t our honeymoon (she’s married and has been on her own honeymoon with Schuyler, her supportive husband) but it will always be one of the most memorable trips I’ve ever been on and I am SO glad we did it together (and I was lucky enough to be invited by her!). Here’s some of my favorite “Lauren Grove” honeymoon highlights from St. Lucia (isn’t she the cutest?):
Opening the door to our Jade Mountain Galaxy suite! Holy crap! AHHHHH!!!!!!!
(Who’s that muddy guy?)
Huge hugs and congratulations to a deserving, wonderful person! I’m so lucky to be able to call you a friend! xoxo
Happy Thursday!